In a hectic and demanding world, focused attention to help individuals and teams to follow through on actions, or implementation of a new behaviours or ways of working, can bring immense benefits. As part of an established learning & development programme it can help maximise the ROI on the training investment made.
To support this I provide an Accountability Coaching service to clients via one of two defined routes. This usually involves an initial conversation with the individual(s) being supported to help them devise plans and actions - and then regular, effective and consistent contact to help them stay true to the commitments they make.
Individual Basis:
The organisation can sign up individuals to benefit from the dedicated support, either as part of an existing development intervention, or as a standalone activity.
Cohort Basis:
If desired, the organisation can sign up a group of people, or a cohort, at the same time to benefit from the dedicated support to achieve their goals. This could be a cohort from a learning or development programme, or those in a project group, or a team working with a change initiative, or any other group of people you feel may benefit.